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How Age Can Affect Your Hair and Nails?


There can be many changes in human body due to aging. This is a phase that everyone has to cross in certain period of their life. It’s important that we know what these changes are so that it will not be confused with the symptoms of serious illnesses.

Such symptoms do not always need treatment unless it is serious and affects the quality of life.

Color of hair color changes.  This is one of the most striking signs of aging.  Hair color is due to melanin pigment produced by hair follicles.  The hair follicle is the structure of the skin in which hair grows.  As you age, your hair produces less of the melanin and the hair turns grey.  Gray hair probably appeared in the 30s. The hair on the head is often gray at the temples and reaches to the top of the head.  Over time, the hair color becomes lighter and whiter. Body hair also turns gray, but this usually happens later than head hair.  Hair on the forehead, chest, or exposed areas may be less or less gray. Your genes mainly cause the gray color.  Gray hair is found in whites, and later in Asians.  Dietary supplements, vitamins and other products do not stop or slow down the tanning process. You can do grey root coverage for this purpose.

The volume of the hair changes.  Hair is made up of many protein fibers.  The average lifespan of one hair is 2 to 7 years.  This hair is then shaken off and replaced with new hair.  The amount of hair on your body and scalp is also determined by your genes.


Almost everyone loses hair as they age.  The rate of hair growth is also reduced. The hair fibers are smaller, and the pigmentation is less.  Men may begin to show signs of baldness in their 30s.  Most men develop baldness in their 60s.  The type of baldness involved in the normal functioning of the male hormone testosterone is called the male type baldness.  Hair loss can occur on the temples or scalp.

This type of baldness can occur in women as they age. This is called the feminine pattern baldness. As you age, your body and face also lose hair. In women, the remaining facial hair can be coarse, often on the chin and around the lips. Men can grow long, coarse hair on their eyebrows, ears, and nose.


There can also be changes in nails with age.  They grow more slowly, can be darker and fragile.  It can become yellow or opaque. Nails, especially nails, can be hard and thick.  Inserted nails may be more common.  The tips of the nails may break. Longitudinal grooves can form on the nails of the hands and feet. See your doctor if you have holes, blisters, breaks, changes in the nails or any other problems in your nails.  This could be due to iron deficiency, kidney disease or malnutrition.

Always make sure to take enough nutrition to avoid these symptoms in an early age.

Aging changes in hair and nails

As we age, our hair and nails go through changes. For some, these changes are very noticeable, while for others they are more subtle. However, there are a few things that are common to most people as they age. For one, hair may thin out and become brittle. Nails may also become thinner and more brittle. In addition, both hair and nails may become discolored or change in texture. There are a few things you can do to help mitigate these changes. For example, eating a healthy diet and taking supplements can help with hair and nail health. In addition, using products specifically designed for aging hair and nails can also be helpful. If you’re concerned about the changes in your hair and nails as you age, talk to your doctor or a dermatologist. They can give you more specific advice based on your individual situation.

What are the changes that happen to hair and nails as we age?

As we age, our hair and nails change in a number of ways. For one, hair may thin out, become more brittle, and turn gray. Nails may become ridged or yellowed. both hair and nails may grow more slowly.

There are a number of things that can contribute to these changes. For example, aging can cause a decrease in the production of keratin, which is what gives hair its strength. Additionally, the reduced production of collagen and elastin can make nails more susceptible to splitting and breaking.

There are some lifestyle choices that can impact the health of your hair and nails as you age. For instance, smoking can contribute to dry, brittle hair, while a poor diet can lead to weak and unhealthy nails. It’s important to take care of yourself as you age to help keep your hair and nails looking their best.

Why do these changes occur?

As we age, our hair and nails undergo changes. For example, our hair may become thinner, drier, and grayer. Our nails may become brittle and yellowed. These changes are a result of the aging process.

The aging process causes a decrease in the production of hormones like estrogen and testosterone. This decrease in hormone production leads to a decrease in the creation of new hair cells. The existing hair cells become less efficient at producing keratin, which is the protein that makes up our hair and nails. As a result, our hair and nails become thinner, drier, and weaker.

What can be done to prevent or slow down these changes?

There are a few things that can help prevent or slow down the changes that happen to hair and nails as we age. One is to make sure we get enough nutrients like protein, iron, and B vitamins in our diet. Another is to avoid things that can damage our hair and nails, like harsh chemicals, hot tools, and too much sun exposure. Finally, regular exercise can also help keep our hair and nails healthy as we age.

Willian Tenney
the authorWillian Tenney