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Coral reefs are a large ecosystem which has a high biodiversity. Countless species depending on coral reefs for food and shelter. They play a great role in life cycle of most of the marine lives. In tropical and coastlines, they play a major role in people’s lives and have a great importance from local to national level. The productivity of coral reefs supports the live hoods and food necessity of a large amount of population in the world.

It also helps in the industry of tourism for countries rich with coral reefs. A population of people in such countries depends on this for living. Most of them take tourists on boats to the corals and earn money through those. When going to see coral reefs, it’s good to have a good boat with good electric boat motor. Which will not be damaging the coral reefs?

It is essential to save the coral reefs as they are susceptible to more damage.  Coral reefs are under so much of pressure due to human activities such as pollution, fishing, recreation, costal development and so on. The largest threats are ocean warming and acidification.

There are many things you can do to ensure that you are environmentally conscious when visiting a reef or coastal area.  This includes designating local guides to support the economy, removing all debris from the area, not touching or searching for wildlife in the wall area, and not keeping anchors or chains near the coral reefs.

There are many things you can do to protect the coral reefs even though you don’t live close to them. Some of those are:

Water saving – less water used, less water flows and wastewater pollutes our oceans.

Use only organic or organic fertilizers in your garden and lawn.  Chemicals and pesticides enter the water system, polluting the oceans and can travel long distances in ocean currents, damaging the earth’s crust.

Arrange to clean the beach.  Plastic pollutes seawater and harms coral reefs and other marine life.

When visiting a reef, practice safe diving.  Do not stand, touch or tie the boat to the wall.

Talk to your family, friends, and neighbors and tell them about coral reefs and marine rainforests and explain the reef crisis to them.  Ask them to get involved and make a difference!

Support and volunteer for organizations such as the Biosphere Foundation to protect coral reefs, oceans, rivers, lakes and other waters in your area.  Pure water is important everywhere.  All reservoirs affect the sea and eventually coral reefs.

Learn more about coral reefs and their excellent biodiversity as they play a special role in reporting on the health of our oceans and our world.

Create a wastewater garden (environmental recycling system) in your home, school, or community.  Every simple thing you do to save a coral wall makes a difference!

Finally, stay educated and spread the word!  Teach yourself why healthy coral reefs are valuable to humans and the fish, plants and animals that depend on them.  Your enthusiasm will help others to join.

Willian Tenney
the authorWillian Tenney